We all need a strong sense of purpose

why a strong sense of purpose is important

I don’t know about you, but I feel super motivated and excited for 2022. A new year always feels like a new adventure. It’s an opportunity to make it your best year yet. So to help you make 2022 your best year yet, I am going to share with you my 12 maxims. 

Not all at once, though!

Just one each week for 12-weeks.

What is a maxim?

A maxim is a principle or rule by which you try to live your life. Think of them as guidelines for life that you can refer to if you are unsure about a decision/action.

As a fitness professional, I recommend you come up with your own, but use mine as inspiration by all means.

So without further ado, here is my first maxim.

#1 We all need a strong sense of purpose.

One of the best things about my job is that it gives me a very strong sense of purpose.

I help fitness enthusiasts become fitness professionals.

Having a clearly defined mission like this keeps me focussed on what matters most.  Apart from my family, health and fitness is my number one passion. What better way for me to share my passion than by building the most successful community of fitness professionals on the planet. More elite trainers mean more people get help with their physical and mental health.  Those with better physical and mental health are happier people. Happier people are kind and contribute positively to society.

So the butterfly effect of helping just one person can be huge!

You spend so much of your life at work that I believe it is important that your work gives you a strong sense of purpose as mine does.

Finding your strong sense of purpose

A great place to start is figuring out who you help and how.

I help fitness enthusiasts. Who do you help?

I help them become fitness professionals. How do you help your community?

Once you figure that out, you have your mission. Then you just need to action that mission.

Not only will you have a strong sense of purpose, but you will also get better and better the more you work towards your mission.

Until you eventually become an authority in your chosen field and perhaps the best in the world.


If you would like me to help you find your strong sense of purpose, then get in touch today via the form below.

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