Last week I shared maxim number 10 with you: Give unconditional help As promised here is my final maxim for you. #12 Be yourself When building your fitness business, you might look at other fitness businesses for ideas and inspiration. There is nothing wrong with that. It’s an intelligent approach. However, make sure your fitness […]

16th March 2022

Last week I shared maxim number 10 with you: You are not just a Fit Pro As promised here is this week’s maxim for you. #11 Give unconditional help As a fitness enthusiast, you read, watch, listen, and chat about all things fitness related.  It’s your passion, and you enjoy it. People ask you questions, […]

9th March 2022

Last week I shared maxim number 9 with you: Have fun! As promised here is this week’s maxim for you. #10 You are not just a Fit Pro Making your passion your profession and working as a fitness professional is a privileged, rewarding and fun career. However, you have other roles in your life that […]

2nd March 2022

Last week I shared maxim number 8 with you: Remove the negatives As promised here is this week’s maxim for you. #9 Have fun! Last week’s article was pretty deep. This week I want to remind you of the importance as a fitness professional to have fun. In a radio interview, I heard Lennie James, […]

23rd February 2022

Last week I shared maxim number 7 with you: Be Tenacious and Resilient As promised here is this weeks maxim for you. #8 Remove the negatives Many years ago, I was sitting in front of my GP filling out a questionnaire stuck on the question, have you ever had suicidal thoughts. When I think back […]

16th February 2022

Last week I shared maxim number 6 with you: Move yourself happy. As promised here is this weeks maxim for you. #7 Be tenacious and resilient These traits are essential to become a successful fit pro and get the best out of life.  Tenacious Meaning: Not readily relinquishing a position, principle, or course of action; […]

9th February 2022

Last week I shared maxim number 5 with you: Find your one thing. As promised here is this weeks maxim for you. #6 Move yourself happyBetween 2008 and 2013, I was very unhappy. My doctor diagnosed me with severe depression, and I was not myself for a long time.The fear of those dark days coming […]

2nd February 2022

Last week I shared maxim number 4 with you: Do as I do is much more powerful than do as I say. As promised, here is this weeks maxim for you. #5 Find your one thing One of my favourite books on productivity is ‘the one thing’. It’s an effortless read with a crucial message. “Don’t […]

1st February 2022

Last week I shared maxim number 3 with you: Take action. As promised, here is this weeks maxim for you. #4 Do as I do is much more powerful than do as I say If you are a coach or leader in any capacity, you must model the behaviour you are trying to influence. We can […]

25th January 2022

Last week I shared maxim number 2 with you: Nobody is truly self-made. As promised, here is this weeks maxim for you. #3 Take Action Research and planning is an essential component of any journey. If you don’t know where you are going, you won’t know how to get there. However, don’t spend all your […]

18th January 2022

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