Now feel free to correct me if anything I write here is wrong as I am certainly no expert on the subject of mindfulness!   The way I understand mindfulness is that it is about being in the present moment and your thoughts and feelings are toward exactly what it happening to you at that moment […]

4th August 2016

  Continuing to eat when you are already full is pretty much guaranteeing fat storage. If your body has received sufficient nutrients to fulfil its needs then any additional energy that continues to enter your body will be deposited into your fat cells. This was a great little survival system for back in the day when food was scarce. On […]

1st July 2016

I don’t know about you but I am not a big fan of the bootcamp style approach to dieting. I have tried it myself many times over the years and, although some of those attempts have successfully got me into the best shape of my life, within a month I was always back to where I started. Sometimes I […]

19th May 2016

  Ok so first of all Im going to state the obvious….if you haven’t read part 1, then read that first before reading this. For those of you that have read part 1 Im hoping you have had a chance to play with the wheel of life tool and evaluate your work-life balance. If so then […]

9th May 2016

This is one of those articles that most of us ignore because we think we manage our time perfectly fine. Because I have always used a diary and have managed to squeeze so much work, training and study into my week I thought I had the time management thing nailed! Sadly not though.   Time management isn’t […]

26th April 2016

I have had tight hamstrings and glutes ever since I can remember. This resulted in a lot of discomfort when I was doing, well, everything!! I love to deadlift. Lifting heavy things off the floor feels good for some reason. However, I used to suffer for a few days after. Over the years I have tried yoga, […]

12th April 2016

If you want to have a better understanding  of human movement then this book is for you. It highlights the importance of movement screening prior to prescribing exercise. Much like we screen an individuals health, with PARQ forms and BP assessment, Gray Cook urges that we also screen movement too.     I personally love the idea and it […]

11th April 2016

There are three types of joint in the human skeleton and they are classified according to their degree of movement. Fibrous joints These are immovable joints with interlocking bones, e.g the plates in the skull. Cartilaginous joints These joints are slightly moveable and connected by ligaments, e.g the bones of the vertebrae. Synovial joints These […]

18th November 2015

Neutral spine The term ‘neutral spine’ describes the position of the spine when all four of the natural curves are present and aligned. When the spine is in this neutral position the stress on the passive structures of the spine (vertebrae and ligaments) is minimal and the risk of strain or injury to the lower back […]

13th November 2015

The spine is formed from 33 irregular bones that give the spine four natural curves. Two concave curves (lumbar and cervical), and two convex curves (thoracic and sacral). Each region of the spine has a different number of bones. Region Number of bones Range of movement Cervical 7 Contains seven irregular bones and capable of […]

13th November 2015

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