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Knowing when you should add more Kilo’s to your lifts can be a tricky decision. Your keen to continue increasing your lifts but don’t want to go up one week to find you immediately go back down the following week. When you first start lifting you can probably expect a small increase each training session […]
Training outdoors in all weathers has so many benefits. Once you overcome the initial transition from your comfortable home to battling the elements, you will be really glad you did. So much so that you will eventually find that you can no longer spend a whole day cooped up indoors – you will long for […]
When we think about exercise we often associated it with weight loss. However, exercise has way more benefits then that. The following list highlights 5 great benefits of exercise that we often forget about. 1) Better sleep Those that engage in regular exercise sleep better than those that don’t. Having a healthy sleep routine has several […]
Before you begin marketing your fitness business you need to decide what products and services you are going to sell. When choosing these you must take into consideration the following: Your mission statement and vision statement The needs of your customers Mission statement and vision statement If your mission statement is: ‘to provide mums with young babies a […]
New Years is not just about reflecting on the past 12 months, it’s also about looking forward and setting a vision for where you want to be in the future. Specifically, this time next year. Use the occasion to recalibrate, revise your goals and put you on the right course, as well as to make […]
Once you have your mission statement, your vision, your core values, and your USPs identified then you might want to start thinking about what you are going to name your fitness business. When I named my first business I didn’t know anything about how to go about it. I assumed that the name had to […]
It doesn’t matter what industry you work in there is likely to be plenty of competition, and the fitness industry is no exception. You have the mission planned, you have the vision of where you want to go and you have a lovely set of core values to guide you along the journey – but […]
Exercise and good sleeping habits go hand in hand. An improvement in one often leads to an improvement in the other, and compromising one can have a negative effect on the other. It’s during sleep that our body recuperates and repairs and a good night’s sleep will allow you to develop into a healthier and stronger […]
There has never been a better time for those interested in becoming a personal trainer. The fitness industry is expanding – with healthy levels оf employment – and the explosion of new technologies means there are more ways than ever to connect with and help clients. If you are thinking about turning your passion into […]
To this day I still believe the most effective way for personal trainers to attract new clients is through Networking. Whеthеr you have аlrеаdу built уоurѕеlf a remarkable reputation аѕ a реrѕоnаl trаіnеr or juѕt ѕtаrtіng tо make your wау in the fіtnеѕѕ іnduѕtrу, оnе must undеrѕtаnd the іmроrtаnсе оf nеtwоrkіng. WHAT IS NETWORKING? Nеtwоrkіng […]