The mechanisms underpinning the connectedness of physical exercise to mental health and wellbeing are complex and multi-layered. In a previous article, I looked at the brain and the physiological changes that take place. In this article, I’m going to discuss the psychological side of things and how the chemical changes induced by exercise, go on […]

17th June 2020

Although working as a personal trainer or coach is very rewarding, our income is usually restricted by the number of hours we are prepared to work and how much we can charge for the hour. Trainers and coaches can have a more lucrative business doing what they love if they also earn a passive income. […]

17th June 2020

When I qualified as a PT in 1999 I was full of enthusiasm but I didn’t really know what to do next. There wasn’t any post-graduate support. I had to figure everything out for myself which meant I made loads of mistakes and my progress in the industry was very slow. Although my CV looks […]

16th June 2020

These days building a website for your business is really very simple. There are plenty of platforms out there that are so user friendly that a complete beginner can have their website built and live within a few hours. However, not everyone knows how to build a great website, and a great website can be […]

13th June 2020

As a newly qualified personal trainer purchasing personal training equipment can be a real challenge, especially after forking out for your course fees and training manuals. However, there are some great low-cost items out there that won’t break the bank! So here are my top 5 Items Every New Personal Trainer Should Own. Personal Training […]

10th June 2020

Goal setting is great for providing a training focus and motivation. Athletes use goal-setting to ensure they prioritise the right training programme and exercise prescription for improved sports performance. However, do non-athletes need goals? What if you just like training? Should you train without a goal? Before I answer that let’s first investigate why we […]

22nd May 2020

Many of you have been finding out recently that it is entirely possible to exercise in your own home. There are many reasons you may need to plan your own home workout. Your in lockdown and can’t access your gym anymore You may not have childcare You may want to add some variety to your […]

18th May 2020

In a previous article, I shared my own experience of depression and how my daily walking ritual helps me manage my mental health. I have been convinced for a long time now that walking has a profound impact on my mental health. As I child I could never sit still and just wanted to keep […]

14th May 2020

In the UK one in six adults experience a common mental health problem every week and sadly suicide is now the biggest killer of young men. It is now more important than ever that we all have a better understanding of this issue that affects so many of us. By taking a proactive approach to […]

13th May 2020

Hi, I’m Jon Bond, founder and fitness director of Storm Fitness Academy Ltd, and sister company Storm Ultimate Fitness. I’m a Personal Trainer, Strength and Conditioning Coach and Sport Scientist. I have always believed that true health and fitness is not being the best at one thing but being able to function well, physically and […]

5th April 2020

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