Dean Hammond, former premiership football player, talks about why he chose Storm Fitness Academy to help him build a new career as a personal trainer.   Since signing onto the elite course it’s been fantastic. I really recommend Jon Bond and Storm Fitness Academy. They’ve been brilliant for me. The main thing was the personal […]

10th November 2020

Our last article explained how to produce a good mission statement for your fitness business without too much time or stress. This article is now going to explain how to produce a vision statement. Vision Statement If you search around on the net you will no doubt be as confused as I was when I first […]

17th August 2020

Your now a qualified personal trainer and keen to start building your business so like every good business owner you start by writing a business plan. The first section of a business plan is all about your mission and your vision. This is pretty sensible as you can’t really plan much else until you know […]

17th August 2020

When it comes to losing weight (body fat), most of us want to see results immediately and we can lose motivation if we don’t lose a lot of weight in a short space of time. However, when it comes to weight loss, slow and steady for a lot of us does win the race as […]

14th August 2020

I have been asked many times over the years ‘why did you decide to become a personal trainer? There wasn’t just one thing that inspired me to begin training to become a personal trainer. Rather than bore people with my life story I tend to just tell them the main reason, which is quite simply […]

20th July 2020

Blood pressure can be defined as the measure of the force that is applied to the walls of the arteries as the blood runs though them. We measure blood pressure in millilitres of mercury (mmHg). A blood pressure reading has two numbers. The first number represents the systolic blood pressure (BP when the heart is […]

19th July 2020

If you Google ‘personal training success tips’ you will get over 367,000,000 search results. Where do you start? The amount of information is overwhelming and varies from one source to the next. Also, the term success is very subjective. Success to one PT may mean making a six-figure salary, but to another PT it might […]

19th July 2020

So many places to be seen So many things to say So many wrong ways to say them So many ways to waste money So little time Marketing a small business can be a minefield! On one hand, it’s now so easier than ever to reach your audiences (thanks to mobile phones and social channels) […]

19th July 2020

Supersets involve performing two different exercises back-to-back with little or no rest in between. There are typically two key variations of this resistance training system. Supersetting exercises of the same muscle or muscle group Supersetting  agonist and antagonist exercises Supersetting  upper and lower body exercises Supersetting exercises to create one exercise that targets the whole body […]

18th July 2020

As a fitness professional, an understanding of how to promote your fitness brand is really important. As I have discussed before, building a business is not like the movie Field of Dreams, the words ‘If you build it they will come” does not apply to business. So you need to actively seek out new customers […]

19th June 2020

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