How to grow your personal training business

When I qualified as a PT in 1999 I was full of enthusiasm but I didn’t really know what to do next. There wasn’t any post-graduate support. I had to figure everything out for myself which meant I made loads of mistakes and my progress in the industry was very slow. Although my CV looks good now I can assure you it has been no easy ride and I believe it would have been so much easier if I had been part of a community with a coach to help guide me along the way. With that in mind, I would like to share some steps that I later learned that can help you grow your personal training business.

How to grow your personal training business | The Five pillars of sales.

Yes, I know, ‘sales’ it feels like a dirty word but trust me it really helps to have a little understanding of how selling works if you want to become fully booked. Once you are fully booked you can then focus the majority of your time simply being the best trainer you can be.

Pillar 1 | Attracting business

Make sure you allocate some of your time each week actively attracting new business. Social media is obviously a good method for this but don’t just hide behind a screen. Get out there and meet people. Get in front of audiences and talk to them. Showcase what you know and what you are passionate about, and how you can help others.

Pillar 2 | Increasing conversions

Website conversions are when a browser on your site initiates some sort of contact i.e rings you, submits a contact form, or downloads a freebie. However, I’m not talking about those. I’m talking about the stage after that.  Converting an enquiry, prospect, lead, whatever you want to call them, into a paying customer. You will get better at this over time with more experience and more confidence. When you believe in what you have to offer people asking someone directly if they would like to purchase a PT package feels more like you are offering them n opportunity rather than trying to sell them something. Especially when it comes to one to one PT. You only have so many hours in your week and you are giving someone exclusivity to some of your precious hours.

Pillar 3 | Increasing your average sale value

If you try to convert customers by keeping your prices really low you will attract customers that are less committed. If something is cheap it is more disposable. You don’t want to be disposable. You will also have to work really hard for much less. Coaches and trainers can end up quite resentful if they find they are working long hours for very little helping others achieve their goals. If you are struggling to make ends meet and can not find time to train yourself any longer then you will understandably want to quit the industry. If you’re fully booked but still not earning enough to be comfortable then put your prices up. Don’t get me wrong coaching and training clients is enjoyable and has its own rewards, it is not about the money if it was you would be stockbroker instead. However, you are helping people to live longer healthier and happier lives so you should be paid what you are worth.

Pillar 4 | Increasing referrals

The easiest way to get more clients is via the clients you already have. Make sure you regularly ask your clients if they know anyone else that would benefit from your training. Reward those clients that do give you referrals. Firstly it is polite and shows appreciation to the client but it will also give them an incentive and reminder to share your contacts details with their friends and colleagues.

Pillar 4 | Repeat business

If you build a great rapport with your client, create a community that the client feels part of, help them get results, the client will keep coming back. Then you can think about providing other services and products that your client would also benefit from i.e training apparel and equipment. I don’t know about you but when I have a good experience with a business I start looking at what else they offer, actively searching for more ways to give them more of my money!

The 5 Pillar of sales to grow your personal training business

Focusing some time each week on improving and developing those five pillars will be a great use of your time. With a good sales strategy everyone wins, you get more clients and more clients get your help.

5 Pillars to PT Business

I hope that my videos and this article have been helpful.  If you would like some help putting together these steps to grow your personal training business then get in touch. I offer one to one fitness business coaching and would love to help you achieve success a lot faster than it took me!

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