So many places to be seen

So many things to say

So many wrong ways to say them

So many ways to waste money

So little time

Marketing a small business can be a minefield!

On one hand, it’s now so easier than ever to reach your audiences (thanks to mobile phones and social channels) on the other, it’s harder than ever to rise above the noise and make an impact.

Well, fear not! I’m here to reassure you and put you on the right road, if you are ready to STAND OUT and take your work to the next level.

When it comes to reaching out to potential clients and sharing content that will make a real difference to your business – effective, memorable content that wins attention and drives leads – all you need to know, to get you started, lies in the answers to four questions.

When pondering these questions – consider the content and marketing assets you share NOW (if any)  and the content you could potentially share in the coming weeks.

They are not meant to be easy to answer, in fact they are designed to challenge you, shift your mindset and inspire new ways of thinking about how you engage with your audiences.  

If you make the necessary changes, it won’t take long until you start seeing the fruits of your labour.

Let’s begin

Do you spend more time talking about things that people care about or talking about yourself?

We live in the era of self-publishing where brands have direct access to their audiences.  You can use this access to build an audience around your expertise, the things your clients are interested in and things they will find useful valuable and enjoyable to watch.  

Or you can talk about yourself.

Which one do you think will be more warmly received and more likely to be shared? Which will make people LOOK FORWARD to hearing from you?  Which will stand a better chance of leaving a positive, lasting impression so that next time fitness and personal training comes up in conversation with friends – it’s your name that’s mentioned.

Are you taking real world actions that build your brand or just creating messaging?

When you are thinking of things to share online, do you find that you start with your unique selling points and then spend time talking through your key messages?

Instead, start by looking at your brand’s core values.

What do you stand for?

Now search for ways to authentically discuss how you/the business/the brand lived and breathed these values recently.

Looking forward, consider how you can use your time to create proof points that show why YOUR business is THE business? Are there any meaningful partnerships you can form? Any collaborations with relevant local businesses?  Anyway, you can donate your time to worthy/related cause?

Now talk about that.

Does what you say resonate emotionally with audiences or are you talking about your services?

What do you want people to think and feel after they come in contact with your brand?

Are you offering a list of services that appeal to their brain – ‘lose weight’, ‘get fit’, ‘tone up’ or are you tapping into a much more powerful emotional core – ‘build your confidence’, ‘feel great this summer’, ‘keep up with the grandkids’, ‘beat your personal best’, ‘Be you, but better’.

Speak to their brain and they will add you to a list of other businesses and compare what you do. Speak to their heart, and tap into deeper wants, needs and desires, and they will reach for their wallets.  

Are you showing up in unexpected places or just spending time on the same channels as everyone else?

It’s a noisy world and you are not just competing with local fitness businesses, you are competing with every other brand and personality fighting for your audience’s attention.

Where is your audience spending time that no one else has capitalised on yet? How can you operate there?

  • SPONSORSHIP: How much is it to sponsor the paddle boards on a busy Saturday afternoon on Brighton beach?
  • PODCAST: Is it time someone created an inspirational fitness podcast, specifically for workers commuting from Sussex to London
  • EVENT: Can you run a free evening pop up boot camp by Lancing beach with amateur DJ’s
  • PRESS: Is your local newspaper looking for a fitness expert for a weekly Q&A slot?

This list could be endless….

Putting your self and your brand out there can be daunting at first – but you shouldn’t be crippled by the choices you need to make or the prospect of getting it wrong.  Use the above questions for guidance and you’ll soon find your stride – at which point there will be no stopping you or your business. 

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