Fit Pro Book Recommendations

a list of fit pro book recommendations

I often get asked what my book recommendations are. This isn’t easy because I have read so many, but I can certainly help give you some direction.

 When I qualified as a fitness professional, I read everything fitness related that I could get my hands on. 

However, you need to be more than just an expert in your chosen field if you want to succeed.

Any reading I do now for my professional development covers the following three areas: 

  1. Specialist field
  2. Business
  3. Mindset


1. Specialist field

Your industry is the fitness industry, so make sure you read many books in this area. However, I recommend you focus your reading on a specialist field. Think about your ideal client and read what is relevant to help them.

Our level 2 gym instruction and level 3 personal training manuals are a great place to start your reading. Then it depends on your chosen field.

Three of my favourites are:

‘The Blue Zones’ by Dan Buettner

‘The Encyclopedia of Body Building’ by Arnold Schwarzenegger

‘Daniels Running Formula’ by Jack Daniels


2. Business

Health and fitness is your passion, but you are not a charity. You are doing this to make a living, so you must learn how to increase your sales, build better systems and improve your customer service.

Check out ‘The E-Myth’ by Michael Gerber.


3. Mindset

One of the most significant factors determining whether you achieve your goals is your resilience and tenacity. The more adversity you can overcome and problems you figure out how to solve, the closer you will get to your end goal. A growth mindset will also make you a better role model to your clients and inspire them to stay the course when the going gets tough.

Check out ‘Mindset’ by Carol Dweck.

I love books. Books are one of the most cost-effective forms of continuing professional development (CPD).

Check out this three-minute video where I ask Ben Coomber for his book recommendations.


You may also be interested in ‘How to Get more clients using the law of averages.


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