Studio cycling, also known as indoor cycling or spinning, is a popular form of exercise that involves riding a stationary bike in a group setting, often to music and under the guidance of an instructor. The history of studio cycling can be traced back to the 1980s, when a South African cyclist named Johnny “Johnny […]

20th February 2023

Studio cycling, also known as indoor cycling, is a popular form of exercise that involves riding a stationary bicycle to the rhythm of music and guided by an instructor. The key concepts of studio cycling include: Resistance The resistance on the bike can be adjusted to simulate the feeling of riding on different terrains. This […]

13th February 2023

Hypertrophy is the increase in size of an organ or tissue as a result of the growth of its cells. It’s a popular topic in the world of fitness, and the idea of building bigger muscles is the driving force behind many people’s gym routines. But what exactly is hypertrophy, and how can we achieve […]

1st February 2023

When we are exercising, we aren’t always sure how hard we should be working or even how to gauge it. A very simple tool you can use is the RPE scale ‘Rate of Perceived Exertion’. Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) RPE also known as the Borg scale, named after Dr Gunnar Borg who designed the […]

17th January 2023

Physical activity has long been recognised as an important factor in overall health and well-being, but its benefits extend far beyond physical health. Regular physical activity has been shown to have numerous psychological health benefits as well, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood and self-esteem, and even helping to alleviate symptoms of depression. Reduce […]

3rd January 2023

Stabilisation is a sensible starting point for beginners. Clients who have never established a regular and consistent exercise routine are beginners. They may walk the dog or occasionally drop into their local Zumba class, but when it comes to structured goal-based exercise, they are a beginner. For those clients, you will need to begin with […]

6th July 2022

Traditionally BMI is used by fit pros and health pros to assess whether an individual has a healthy body weight. However, as you probably know, it is not always relevant as it does not take into consideration what the body is composed of. For example, muscular individuals such as bodybuilders will be classified as obese […]

29th June 2022

This week I want to remind you about a simple but effective training system called long slow distance training (LSD).      Since the introduction of HIIT and the hype that followed (cheers, Wicks!) LSD has become a little unfashionable! However, I am here to tell you that LSD training is fantastic and has […]

11th May 2022

When it comes to face to face PT, if clients have paid for an hour, they expect an hour. I have been doing this job for many years, but I occasionally find I have under-planned, so the session finishes with 5-10 minutes spare. In these circumstances, I have a few options: Sit them down, review […]

27th April 2022

Last week I shared maxim number 5 with you: Find your one thing. As promised here is this weeks maxim for you. #6 Move yourself happyBetween 2008 and 2013, I was very unhappy. My doctor diagnosed me with severe depression, and I was not myself for a long time.The fear of those dark days coming […]

2nd February 2022

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