To employ forced reps, the client performs as many reps on his/her own as they can until the point of failure is reached. At this point, the trainer provides a minimal amount of assistance to permit the performance of another rep. As the client fatigues further, the trainer will provide slightly more assistance each rep […]

4th November 2015

  These systems involve the use of isolation exercises to preferentially fatigue a muscle whilst eliminating synergistic muscle weaknesses. Consider the following example: In the bench press, the agonist is the pectoralis major, with the main synergist being the triceps brachii. In the majority of clients the triceps will fail before the stronger pectoral muscles. […]

4th November 2015

The multiple-set system, or ‘setting’ probably forms the basis of the majority of resistance-based workouts performed in gyms today. This system consists of an appropriate warm up followed by multiple sets of the same repetitions performed with a given weight. For example, 3 sets of 10 repetitions (3 x 10), or 5 sets of 5 […]

4th November 2015

This training method is one of the first training systems that most gym users are exposed to, generally in the form of “21s” for bicep curls. The matrix system can be utilised when performing most resistance exercises and involves breaking a set into three distinct phases: outer range, inner range, and full range. Each phase […]

4th November 2015

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