Jon Bond, founder and fitness director of Storm Fitness Academy Ltd shares his fit for forty challenge results and what he has learnt form his 12 week journey.

14th August 2019

If you are not sure whether you are active enough or you are thinking about increasing your physical activity and not sure what to aim for then our table below will give you some guidance, and a possible target to aim for. How many steps per day should I aim for? What are the health […]

29th July 2019

In a previous article I discussed how we can use RPE to monitor the intensity of cardiovascular training. This article explains how we can also apply a similar RPE scale to resistance training. Behold the RPE scale for Resistance Training! As you can see the numbers on the left and the emoji’s are the same […]

22nd July 2019
18th July 2019
4th July 2019
27th June 2019
18th June 2019
3rd June 2019

Knowing when to go heavy is not just about avoiding injury but it is about optimising progress. As discussed in part 1 if you want to unleash all of your muscle building potential then you need to build a good foundation first. You can jump straight into heavy lifting and you might get some gains and […]

13th May 2019

Now that phase 1 of my 12 week challenge is complete it is time to shake things up again and begin phase 2 – strength. Phase 1 was all about volume and muscle tension. Allowing my body to adapt to a high frequency of lifting (six times per week) with moderate loads (6-12RM) and slow […]

8th May 2019

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