Two things I have learned after 24 years of training people to lose weight and offering fat loss tips: 1) there is more than one way to skin a cat  2) one size does not fit all I used to read blogs and articles written by other trainers on a weekly basis, and many of […]

12th April 2023

This is an article I posted originally almost ten years ago. However, I think the take-home message is even more relevant today than it was then. Sugar Vs Fat Documentary I finally got around to watching Horizons ‘Sugar Vs Fat’, and I have to say it was pretty interesting. I’m always very critical of these […]

5th April 2023

Prevalence of Obesity in the UK The UK is grappling with a serious obesity epidemic, according to recent data from the National Health Service (NHS). Alarmingly, almost two-thirds of adults in the country are classified as overweight or obese, with 63.8% of adults having a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or higher. The situation […]

6th February 2023

Hypertrophy is the increase in size of an organ or tissue as a result of the growth of its cells. It’s a popular topic in the world of fitness, and the idea of building bigger muscles is the driving force behind many people’s gym routines. But what exactly is hypertrophy, and how can we achieve […]

1st February 2023

Traditionally BMI is used by fit pros and health pros to assess whether an individual has a healthy body weight. However, as you probably know, it is not always relevant as it does not take into consideration what the body is composed of. For example, muscular individuals such as bodybuilders will be classified as obese […]

29th June 2022

Working on a client’s nutrition is not always easy. You can set calorie goals, use tracking apps, or focus on habit building as we teach on our level 3 diploma in personal training. However, some clients simply won’t follow your advice. “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink it.” This […]

4th May 2022

As a coach and a teacher, I often get asked what my training and nutritional programme looks like. My response will change depending on what macrocycle I happen to be in. I was asked a few weeks ago this question so let me explain how I usually train. An overview of my training When it […]

21st June 2021

I was asked recently whether losing weight was as simple as eat less and move more. My answer was yes, and no.  On paper, it is that simple but in practice, it really isn’t. How do we lose weight? For your body to break down body fat it has to be in a calorie deficit. […]

17th May 2021

What is belly fat and why can’t we seem to lose it? This is a question I have been asked many times over the years. Especially from post-natal clients. I answer the question in this short article. Energy surplus First of all, any increase in body fat wherever you store it is always going to […]

10th May 2021

As a personal trainer, it is important that we advise our clients on all aspects of their lifestyle that will help them become fitter and healthier, including nutrition. However, before you do it is important you clarify whether as a personal trainer can you give nutritional advice. What is a nutritionist? The title nutritionist is […]

12th March 2021

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