A bad first impression will lose you more business than any other factor! Despite this – business owners spend almost no time time cultivating a great first encounter with their customers. I don’t mean a personal impression here  – eye-contact, firm-handshake, punctuality etc… –  rather, the far more important impression people have of your brand when […]

25th July 2018

You might think, ‘what’s the point?’ But can developing your social conscience really help you become a better Personal Trainer? Social Conscience, another aspect of Social Intelligence If you Google social conscience it comes up with the following definition, ‘a sense of responsibility or concern for the problems and injustices of society.’ At this point […]

5th July 2018

When we are trying to get continuous improvements in our fitness, whether its improvements in body composition or muscular strength, in order to do this we need to challenge ourselves and sometimes that can be tough. So, I like to use on myself and my clients a little mind tool I call ‘The Million Pound […]

11th May 2018

Every person that I train has their own idea of what they want to achieve and what their long term goals are. Whether it’s to improve running fitness, increase strength or improve general health most of us have our own motivations for training. If you have not found yours yet then check out the following 10 […]

15th March 2018

Ok get ready for the brutal truth… much as we would all like there to be an alternative reason for our weight gain and poor health, beyond the fact that we are not exercising enough and are over eating…. there isn’t. As harsh as it sounds, people aren’t obese because their parents are, or because of […]

17th February 2018

New Years is not just about reflecting on the past 12 months, it’s also about looking forward and setting a vision for where you want to be in the future. Specifically, this time next year. Use the occasion to recalibrate, revise your goals and put you on the right course, as well as to make […]

28th December 2017

There has never been a better time for those interested in becoming a personal trainer. The fitness industry  is expanding – with healthy levels оf employment – and the explosion of new technologies means there are more ways than ever to connect with and help clients. If you are thinking about turning your passion into […]

29th September 2017

Sam Wilde Personal Trainer and Coach Sam Wilde is a personal trainer and a coach and specialises in helping people access the freedom and abundance in life that we all deserve. We asked him to write a few words of wisdom to help our personal trainer graduates who are starting out in their new careers. Learn […]

2nd August 2017

Whether you like social media or not it can help you lose weight.  Weight loss is actually very easy to do on paper, you just need to burn off more energy then you are taking in. Move more and eat less but in practice this can be a real challenge. Especially if you are attempting to lose weight on […]

7th July 2017

I often get asked what is the best form of exercise. Unfortunately it is not a question I can answer without asking a few questions of my own first.  Those of you that have completed our level 3 diploma in fitness instruction and personal training will be familiar with the terms specificity and individuality. Specificity Specificity states […]

13th February 2017

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