When it comes to losing weight (body fat), most of us want to see results immediately and we can lose motivation if we don’t lose a lot of weight in a short space of time. However, when it comes to weight loss, slow and steady for a lot of us does win the race as […]

14th August 2020

Supersets involve performing two different exercises back-to-back with little or no rest in between. There are typically two key variations of this resistance training system. Supersetting exercises of the same muscle or muscle group Supersetting  agonist and antagonist exercises Supersetting  upper and lower body exercises Supersetting exercises to create one exercise that targets the whole body […]

18th July 2020

Many of you have been finding out recently that it is entirely possible to exercise in your own home. There are many reasons you may need to plan your own home workout. Your in lockdown and can’t access your gym anymore You may not have childcare You may want to add some variety to your […]

18th May 2020

In the UK one in six adults experience a common mental health problem every week and sadly suicide is now the biggest killer of young men. It is now more important than ever that we all have a better understanding of this issue that affects so many of us. By taking a proactive approach to […]

13th May 2020
6th September 2019

People often brag to one another about how busy they are. Being busy has become a bit of a badge of honour lately. I know I can be very guilty of this. Trying to please everyone. So why are we all so busy? I think this is for several reasons, but a big one for […]

5th August 2019

If you are not sure whether you are active enough or you are thinking about increasing your physical activity and not sure what to aim for then our table below will give you some guidance, and a possible target to aim for. How many steps per day should I aim for? What are the health […]

29th July 2019

Exercise and good sleeping habits go hand in hand. An improvement in one often leads to an improvement in the other, and compromising one can have a negative effect on the other. It’s during sleep that our body recuperates and repairs and a good night’s sleep will allow you to develop into a healthier and stronger […]

19th October 2017

Now feel free to correct me if anything I write here is wrong as I am certainly no expert on the subject of mindfulness!   The way I understand mindfulness is that it is about being in the present moment and your thoughts and feelings are toward exactly what it happening to you at that moment […]

4th August 2016

I don’t know about you but I am not a big fan of the bootcamp style approach to dieting. I have tried it myself many times over the years and, although some of those attempts have successfully got me into the best shape of my life, within a month I was always back to where I started. Sometimes I […]

19th May 2016

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