Becoming a qualified personal trainer can be a rewarding career choice for those passionate about health and fitness. Not only do personal trainers help others achieve their fitness goals, but they also have the opportunity to create their schedules and be their own boss. However, this rewarding profession requires education, certification, and dedication. Qualifications The […]

26th January 2023

Is personal training profitable? Yes, of course, it is, but only if you learn how to manage your fitness business well and manage your money. We have mentored thousands of trainers, and it still amazes us how many of you still use your current personal account to operate your fitness business. If you are doing […]

18th July 2022

When I first qualified, I was eager to get clients. I would work every hour under the sun if needed. Early morning, late nights and weekends. This was ok for a while, but then I burnt out, became resentful, and my relationships suffered as I had no work-life balance. Don’t make the same mistake I […]

9th June 2022

Everyone wants to be good at something. Maslow (a famous but dead psychologist!) suggested it was one of the human needs essential for a good life. Being good at something gives us a sense of purpose and increases our confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem. But who wants to settle for good when great would be a […]

25th May 2022

As fitness professionals, we sometimes compare ourselves to other coaches. Be careful doing this because, as they say, Comparison Is the Thief of Joy. Be inspired by others, learn from them and gather new ideas but don’t use others as the metric to measure whom you are supposed to be. You are you, so be you! […]

18th May 2022

Working on a client’s nutrition is not always easy. You can set calorie goals, use tracking apps, or focus on habit building as we teach on our level 3 diploma in personal training. However, some clients simply won’t follow your advice. “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink it.” This […]

4th May 2022

I have mentored hundreds of fitness professionals, and so many were holding themselves back, just like I did, because they were striving for perfection. When you are building your fitness business, you want everything to be perfect. It is good to have high standards, but it will never be perfect. There will always be a […]

20th April 2022

Job satisfaction is an essential part of living the best life.  If you add up all the hours the average person spends at work, it equals approximately one-third of their life. That is why I strived to find a career that I would love and get more than just the financial reward. Sharing my passion […]

29th March 2022

I was once interviewed for Sussex Life magazine. Yep, name drop! They were ringing around local businesses in Sussex and asked me if I would be interested in an interview. Any publicity is good, so I pretended to look through a busy diary and then confirmed that I could just about squeeze it in! They […]

23rd March 2022

Last week I shared maxim number 10 with you: Give unconditional help As promised here is my final maxim for you. #12 Be yourself When building your fitness business, you might look at other fitness businesses for ideas and inspiration. There is nothing wrong with that. It’s an intelligent approach. However, make sure your fitness […]

16th March 2022

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