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Ok so first of all Im going to state the obvious….if you haven’t read part 1, then read that first before reading this. For those of you that have read part 1 Im hoping you have had a chance to play with the wheel of life tool and evaluate your work-life balance. If so then […]
This is one of those articles that most of us ignore because we think we manage our time perfectly fine. Because I have always used a diary and have managed to squeeze so much work, training and study into my week I thought I had the time management thing nailed! Sadly not though. Time management isn’t […]
If you want to have a better understanding of human movement then this book is for you. It highlights the importance of movement screening prior to prescribing exercise. Much like we screen an individuals health, with PARQ forms and BP assessment, Gray Cook urges that we also screen movement too. I personally love the idea and it […]
Be the Best The reason customers hire personal trainers is that they are confident that the personal trainer has the methods and the knowledge to get them to where they want to be, whether that’s to a certain body weight or to develop another area of their fitness. Also, on top of that something even […]
Manage your CPD If you want to develop a successful career in any industry then continuing professional development (CPD) is essential. Those that are best at what they do and reap the benefits from being the best of what they do, have become very proficient at managing their CPD. Now for many of you, […]