Are you looking to find a role in the fitness industry? Whether you are looking to becoming a class instructor or work as a personal trainer, here are the first steps that you can take. Do the research The first step on your path to becoming a fitness instructor is to do the necessary research. […]

25th September 2018

Creating great content for your PT business won’t do much for your brand, or drive many enquiries,  if it isn’t reaching the right people! Fortunately, there are numerous ways to find your audience –  here are three quick wins you should explore today! CONNECT WITH YOUR INFLUENCERS An influencer is an individual who has the power […]

20th August 2018

A bad first impression will lose you more business than any other factor! Despite this – business owners spend almost no time time cultivating a great first encounter with their customers. I don’t mean a personal impression here  – eye-contact, firm-handshake, punctuality etc… –  rather, the far more important impression people have of your brand when […]

25th July 2018

There’s so much competition! Why would anyone want me to be their trainer? Maybe working on your communication skills, emotional and social intelligence might just be the key. Not all Personal trainers are equal However, successful personal trainers all have certain traits in common. It isn’t hard to picture this person. They are ALWAYS smiling […]

25th July 2018

Are you looking for ways to generate strong leads for your PT business? There is a really simple way to make a huge impact. The answer is Micro-Influencers. What is a micro-influencer? A micro-influencer is a social-media user that has attracted of following of between 1,000 and 10,000 people. They are no longer mere consumers […]

9th July 2018

Can I be a Personal Trainer? This is something we get asked all the time from our students and even people who are thinking about making the change to their career. We’ve all seen a personal trainer working with clients outside, in the gyms we go to, competing on reality tv shows. Is it really […]

28th June 2018

You could approach this question with a simple answer, find out exactly how much it costs to enrol on a PT training course, maybe even work out your monthly repayments with an interest free loan over 10 months. You could create some complicated spreadsheets that will inform you how many clients you need to train […]

12th June 2018

Customer complaints shouldn’t be taken personally. Instead view them as valuable customer feedback and always deal with them in a positive manner. No organisation is perfect and we all could do things a little better sometimes so if a customer takes the time to give us feedback on how their customer experience could have been […]

30th May 2018

Making the transition from being an employee to becoming a self employed personal trainer can be a little scary so we always recommend that you do your research first and ask the right questions before you enrol onto your course. A question we get asked a lot is ‘How long does it take to qualify […]

30th May 2018

With your qualification in place you are well on your way to becoming a personal trainer. Setting up your business and deciding how you are going to market it to potential clients is a major consideration, but it shouldn’t be the number one priority. As a PT you put yourself in a position of trust. And […]

7th March 2018

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