Are you happy? Make exercise a priority

why is exercise important for being happy
Last week I shared maxim number 5 with you: Find your one thing. As promised here is this weeks maxim for you.

#6 Move yourself happy

Between 2008 and 2013, I was very unhappy. My doctor diagnosed me with severe depression, and I was not myself for a long time.

The fear of those dark days coming back motivated me to put specific control measures in place, and one of those control measures is daily exercise.

Every day is better if exercise has been a part of it.

I discovered this for myself, but my interest grew so much that I chose to research this relationship whilst doing my masters in strength and conditioning.

To summarise, my research concluded that exercise could help prevent depression and also be used to treat it.

As fitness professionals, we must model living an active lifestyle for our clients, but we must also exercise for ourselves.

Why is exercise important?

The physical and mental health benefits we get from our daily activities make us better parents, coaches, and business owners. So we must make it a priority.

Check out this brief article I wrote in 2019 about the importance of movement for a happy life.

Also, Ben Coomber referenced the importance of exercise when I asked him about his happy habits in this video.

Happy Habits


If you would like to learn more check out our level 2 mental health awareness course.

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