Are you doing enough physical activity?

If you are not sure whether you are active enough or you are thinking about increasing your physical activity and not sure what to aim for then our table below will give you some guidance, and a possible target to aim for.

How many steps per day should I aim for?

activity goal

What are the health benefits of physical activity?

If you are averaging 10,000 steps per day then you will significantly reduce your statistical risk of suffering with a number of conditions such as heart disease, type II diabetes, dementia, depression, anxiety, the list goes on. Furthermore, research suggests more could be even better.

Anything else worth throwing in?!

If you are hitting between 10,000 and 12500 steps per day you could shut up shop and call it a day. Who am I to tell you to do more. But….. if you fancy doing more, providing you don’t have any underlying heart problems or too many CHD risk factors then you could, if you want, not saying you have to, but since you asked…. try throwing in 20-30minutes of vigorous exercise too. Such as running, swimming, circuit training or even play some sport. Basically anything that gets you sweaty, out of breath and challenges you physically.

Is that it? Nothing else?

Ah a glutton for punishment I see. Well yes actually there is one more thing that would give you enormous benefit, drum roll…………..


Two to three sessions a week of lifting with the aim to improve muscular strength will not only make you feel amazing but give you stronger bones, ligaments and tendons, increase your libido, confidence, self esteem and just make you an all over better sexier individual and that little bit more super hero than you would be if you didn’t lift! At least that is what I tell myself anyway.

However, if you are just starting out you could do a lot worse than simply hitting the 10,000 steps a day target. If you want some more info on how to do that then check out our article on accelerate your fat loss with NEAT.

By for now my fitness friends 🤟

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